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Alhamdulillah all praises to Allah, I am officially a law graduate with Honours! And I'm starting my pupillage very soon. Please pray for my journey to be all good ya!

I think dah lama sangat I tinggalkan blog ni. I haven't updated anything since Idk for how many years. Tak sempat and tiada masa. Life in law school doing law degree is totally different dari asasi. The journey was like a roller-coaster with so many episodes of menangis, marah, masuk hospital, feeling of quitting law school etc. But 5 years in law school ( 1 year in asasi and 4 years doing degree), sangat berbaloi!

Kalau you tanya nak sambung law ke tak, go ahead. But kalau you jenis nak cuba2 je, I'd say jangan buang masa. Law degree susah dan sangat susah. For us in UiTM law school, it was a ride to hell. But we survived! UiTM law school was known and famous with its high failure rate, strict marking system, best practical system. Kalau you ready for the hell, apply masuk UiTM. You rasa it was like a hell, but you akan sedar betapa privileged and pandai nya you bila you grad dari uitm law school. 

Here's are what you kena expect bila masuk UiTM law school:

1. You kena adapt cepat. You lambat catch up, you akan ada potential to fail. That's it.

2. You kena pandai join club yang akan bantu you.

3. Jawapan you tulis dalam exam tu you rasa dah bagus? No. You akan dengar lecturer cakap "jawapan you tak salah but setakat tu je saya boleh bagi markah". Sebab apa? sebab UITM tak nak law grad dia sama dengan law grad dari law school lain. They demand us to be pandai, well-equipped dari segala benda.

4. Evidence law is the hardest subject. Boleh try dapat luck lecturer mana nanti. Failure rate paling tinggi. Just pray that you don't fail this subject masa part 6 or else you tak boleh masuk practical year (part 7 and 8).

5. You kena clearkan your basket in part 6. Segala subject tak lepas, you better repeat before part 6 habis. Kalau tak, you takkan boleh naik part 7. That is their pre-requirement. Sebabnya they only want a very qualified student to get into final year. If you fail and tak lepas2 di junior year (part 1-6), you are not ready for the real hell in part 7 and 8. Final year lagi susah. You akan kena hadap file case banyak2, dengan quiz and test dalam satu minggu yang sama. Like or not, you kena buat. Kami semua tidur dekat firm sebab nak siapkan file conveyancing. Balik pukul 3 pagi tu biasa. Lecturer akan kasi you case or file client, you kena buat from scratch. Dalam minggu sama, you kena preparekan all the written submission sebab esok pagi you kena submit dekat court. But, you jangan rasa ni susah. You takkan buat sorang2. You akan duduk dalam firm setting. You ada firmmates and senior partner untuk tolong you. That's how you akan pandai.

6. Make sure your legal knowledge is very strong. Di final year, you akan dapat real case. For example, my firm pernah dapat case drug Section 39B, and ditugaskan untuk prosecute. Kena prepare everything untuk prosecute OKT. Bukan disuap satu2. Kena fikir. Bestnya UiTM, time final year, you boleh belajar jadi pendakwa raya, peguam bela OKT, majistret, peguam plaintiff/defendant untuk civil case. You kena faham yang LL.B you ambil ni bukan belajar criminal law semata. law degree ni you akan belajar semua. shariah sekali. Kalau you nak jadi peguam jenayah, lepas habis degree, apply chambering or praktis terus dalam bidang jenayah. tapi tetap you kena belajar semua benda dkt law school.

7. Notes ni penting. Dekat degree, I punya notes dah tak sistematik tapi I focused more on understanding legal principles betul2. I kena attack and tanya banyak2 dalam court pun, selagi I faham concept and application legal principle tu, I boleh submit to court very well. Alhamdulillah, sebagai senior partner, banyak kes dalam firm I yang kami uruskan, I berjaya lead the team untuk menang case. I juga pernah dapat best oralist untuk both criminal and civil cases. Untuk written submission and cause papers, alhamdulillah, I juga selalu dapat pujian dari lecturer yg merupakan practising lawyer.

8. Hati kena kuat. Mind kena kuat. Banyak kali i cakap i nak quit law school and doubt myself but  I teruskan juga. Alhamdulillah I survived. 

If you guys need help and perlukan personal tutor untuk subject2 tertentu or nak belajar how to write excellent written submission as well as nak berlatih cara submit dekat court orally, contact me via email at

InsyaAllah, I might open a few slots untuk jadi personal tutor for you with reasonable charges. I'll guide you step-by-step. All the best!


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