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 I AM A LAW GRADUATE NOW!! Alhamdulillah all praises to Allah, I am officially a law graduate with Honours! And I'm starting my pupillage very soon. Please pray for my journey to be all good ya! I think dah lama sangat I tinggalkan blog ni. I haven't updated anything since Idk for how many years. Tak sempat and tiada masa. Life in law school doing law degree is totally different dari asasi. The journey was like a roller-coaster with so many episodes of menangis, marah, masuk hospital, feeling of quitting law school etc. But 5 years in law school ( 1 year in asasi and 4 years doing degree), sangat berbaloi! Kalau you tanya nak sambung law ke tak, go ahead. But kalau you jenis nak cuba2 je, I'd say jangan buang masa. Law degree susah dan sangat susah. For us in UiTM law school, it was a ride to hell. But we survived! UiTM law school was known and famous with its high failure rate, strict marking system, best practical system. Kalau you ready for the hell, apply masuk UiTM. Yo
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LAW SCHOOL (ODL): MY EXPERIENCE DURING SEMESTER 1 Hi lovely people! I know it has been a while since I last update my blog. It is not that I don't want to write and share, it just that I couldn't find any suitable free time to write. But, I do have some times to update my blog! Oh btw, latest update is that I'm currently in my second semester while juggling with some events in an NGO as the social media manager, be a mentor to 5 mentees in Buddy Mentor Program (whereby I have to guide the non-asasi law students who being offered LL.B), and I was appointed to be the head of Multimedia and Technical under LAWSOCUITM for our upcoming events. Not gonna lie, my degree life takes my leisure times hahahaha. Too much commitment but alhamdulillah I am still doing fine. If you read my previous posts, you'll know that I am an active person.  Okay, in this post, I'd like to share with you my experience going through ODL for my law degree (Semester 1). IT IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT, I

I Hear You! Announcing my first initiative to help law students.

  LET ME HELP YOU! Are you having any problem during ODL? Read this. Hello everyone! Recently, I have received a lot of comments, DMs and emails from some of you. I truly understand if you wanna say that ODL is difficult. IT IS DIFFICULT and I hope you may able to stay positive during this trying time. In this post, I am actually super duper excited. Why? It is because I am going to announce that I'll be helping you survive law school! I am going to provide law materials to you, provided that you must email or DM me requesting for those materials. Please note that I will not share the materials here publicly. Alright, after figuring out how to help you to understand and score law subjects, I am glad to announce that I'll be providing you two initiatives. H.A.F Law The first initiative is called "H.A.F Law". This is actually going to be a virtual tutor session between me together with my other two friends and the students. We are all aware that ODL is very challenging

5 things you must know before going for law school interview.

Read these 5 tips if you want to excel your interview session!! Hi everyone! I know it's been a while since last time I update this blog. Well, I was actually quite busy starting after I have graduated from foundation in law which was around last April. On last August, my schedule was packed with online meeting and training as I've been selected to be on of the camp facilitator under this one NGO. The camp was held virtually and I must say it was very challenging. Nevertheless, my team and I have done a very good job, you know we had a lot of meetings and a day before the camp, we slept at 3 a.m. in order to make sure everything was going to be smooth. To be very honest, it was a fruitful experience for me working with this NGO as to ensure to fight for education inequality. Then fast forward, I prepared myself and all of the documents to enter law school. So, do you want to know which law school offered me a place in their law school? Read what I am about to write below. To st

Dunia Bergerak Pantas, Kesihatan Mental Semakin Terjejas.

Gambar oleh BERNAMA Tahun 2020 iaitu tahun dimana pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya digambarkan bahawa akan wujudnya kereta terbang, gajet serta infrastruktur yang moden dan sebagainya. Perkara ini mungkin dilihat berupaya untuk dilaksanakan tetapi realiti menceritakan sebaliknya. Meskipun wujud teknologi yang serba canggih hari demi hari, tetap sahaja isu ini sukar untuk direalisasikan.  Bahkan perlaksanaan pada peringkat akar umbi juga mungkin akan mengambil masa yang lama dek kerana faktor-faktor sampingan yang menjadi penghalang. Manakan tidaknya, jika ingin dibandingkan kehidupan pada hari ini dengan kehidupan pada 20 tahun yang lepas, boleh dikatakan perbezaannya amat ketara. Bukan sahaja sektor ekonomi yang kian pesat menembusi dunia global, malahan gaya hidup seharian juga telah berubah mengikut peredaran zaman. Ramai di kalangan kita enggan untuk mempersetujui bahawa dunia yang bergerak terlalu pantas ini sebenarnya mengundang banyak masalah kepada kita lebih-lebih lagi isu berkaita


CRIED ALL NIGHT TO GET CGPA 4.0? DID I?   Hi guys!! Just by looking at the main topic, you can guess what I'm going to write here, right? Typical tips, guidelines and all that. Well, I don't really have effective secrets to succeed or what not, I don't have certain tips as well. Because for me, I believe that different people apply different methods.  But, I'm just gonna share with my juniors what did I do during my asasi year to maintain dean list.  Okay, firstly I tak pernah rasa diri I hebat. I can say that I ni dalam category yang average je. First sem tu memang I banyak menangis because like I was so stressed to achieve what I wanted. Time first sem tu, all I did was learn and focus je dalam lecture. I did force myself to understand everything fast. Instead of memorizing, I'd rather understand one thing first. So, once I have adapted with everything there, I didn't waste my time anymore! All were set to go.  THIS IS THE RESULT FOR MY FIRST SEM!! Alhamdulill


24 HOURS OF STUDYING? OH NO! FOUNDATION YEAR = HONEYMOON YEAR? Hello beautiful people! Did you know that UiTM Dengkil is a foundation centre for those who wish to further their foundation studies? If you know, can you imagine studying there with new facilities, happening vibes, friendly friends and supportive lecturers? Let me tell you how is the exact life there. Some of you might not know that I was a student in UiTM Dengkil and studying law. But the main point of this post is to share my experience throughout my asasi year so that my junior can take some useful points as guidance. In my previous post, I basically have shared about studying law in Semester 1 ( ASASI LAW IN UITM DENGKIL ). Therefore, I believe that it's going to be more fun if I can share more about my life experience there. The experiences that I am going to share in this post are based on my journey in Semester 2 (final sem). To be honest, I had a really tough situation during semester 1. Well,